“Quantum physics” is often viewed in popular culture as being entirely incomprehensible. STPF fellows Eric Breckenfeld and Jonathan Trinastic speak with three physicists from government, academia and industry to discuss the phenomena studied in quantum physics and its relevance to our daily lives. One budding technology is quantum computing, an area of significant interest at IBM where users are permitted to submit code to their 5-qubit quantum computer at: https://quantumexperience.ng.bluemix.net/qstage/#/user-guide (link is external).
Host: Eric Breckenfeld, Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering, 2016-2018 Executive Branch Fellow at the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office
Interviewer: Jonathan Trinastic, Ph.D. Physics, 2016-2018 Executive Branch Fellow at the Department of Energy
Gabe Perez-Giz, Ph.D. Physics, 2015-2017 Executive Branch Fellow at the National Science Foundation
Dmitri Kilin, Ph.D. Physics, Assistant Professor at North Dakota State University
Nick Bronn, Ph.D. Physics, Research Staff Member at IBM TJ Watson Research Center
Eric Breckenfeld, Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering, 2016-2018 Executive Branch Fellow at the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office
Alejandro de la Puente, Ph.D. Physics, 2016-2018 Executive Branch Fellow at the National Science Foundation
Carlos Faraco, Ph.D. Neuroscience, 2016-18 Executive Branch Fellow at the National Institute of Justice
Image: taken from Flickr, by the University of Exeter.
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