Americans waste 40% of their food. How did we become so wasteful and what can we do about it? Dr. Ariela Zycherman is joined by Dr. Irina Feygina of Climate Central, Jason Turgeon of the Environmental Protection Agency, and Maria Rose Belding and Grant Nelson from the MEANS database for a discussion about what parts of food we waste, why we waste, and what we can do to reduce waste across a variety of social, natural and built systems.
Host: Ariela Zycherman, Ph.D. Anthropologist
2015-17 Executive Branch Fellow at the National Science Foundation
Irina Feygina, Ph.D. Social Psychology
Director of Behavioral Science at Climate Central
2013-2014 Congressional Branch Fellow
Twitter Handel @ClimateCentral
Jason Turgeon
Environmental Protection Agency, Region 1
Maria Rose Belding
Co-Founder/Executive Director, MEANS Database
Grant Nelson, JD
Co-Founder, CTO, MEANS Database
Twitter Handel @MEANSDatabase
Carlos Faraco, Ph.D. Nueroscience
2016-2017 Executive Branch Fellow at the National Institute of Justice
Joseph Kliegman, Ph.D. Biophysics
2016-2017 Executive Branch Fellow at the National Science Foundation
Beth Linas, Ph.D. Epidemiologist
2015-17 Executive Branch Fellow at the National Science Foundation
Image courtesy of Flickr user Katie Campbell EarthFix/KCTS9.
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